Spring 2012: The visual collection! Get inspired!
BITS AND BOBS / FEEL GOOD! / Fitness / Food ,drink and RECIPES! / FOR THE HOME! x / Healthy

Spring 2012: The visual collection! Get inspired!

Hi everyone, So, I’ve had a few emails and comments now from you lovely readers that have said, ‘posts are great reads but…I’m more of a visual person so any chance of some video uploads of image sections’…and with that in mind…For those of you that would like to see a FEAST of fresh, colourful … Continue reading


The best summer shoes you could ever hope to find!

AVARQUES! There’s not nescesarrily any glamour here, but these are shoes that anyone can wear and look like they are loving summer in the most carefree, uniquely stylish way! They are the stunningly simplistic ‘AVARCA’ shoes that hail from Menorca in the Baleares. Having practically grown up on the island of Mallorca, where not only … Continue reading