BITS AND BOBS / FEEL GOOD! / Fitness / Food ,drink and RECIPES! / FOR THE HOME! x / Healthy

Spring 2012: The visual collection! Get inspired!

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Hi everyone,

So, I’ve had a few emails and comments now from you lovely readers that have said, ‘posts are great reads but…I’m more of a visual person so any chance of some video uploads of image sections’…and with that in mind…For those of you that would like to see a FEAST of fresh, colourful visual exuberance and inspiration, I introduce you to our SPRING 2012 album PART 1!

PART 1: A collection of anything and everything you may need, want, crave etc..and in no particular order, its a mix up of fashion tips, skin care products, make up, perfumes, books, looks, get in shape motivating snaps, shoes, food, LOTS OF FOOD, amazing craft ideas, things for the home, things for the garden and much more!

PART 2: Idea’s for kids, interiors, more outdoors, more indoors and of course, MORE FOOD, style tips and health tips (SHORTLY TO FOLLOW)

I do hope you enjoy and that it gives you some ideas on how you can get the most out of this up-coming season so you can really pull it off to the MAX and please get in touch regarding any how to’s, recipes and so on and I will happily write to you regarding your queries! This is for the lovers of beautiful photos and inspiring here goes!

Happy SPRING 2012 everyone!

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