

Welcome to Fortis Health. A portal of health and wellness advice and inspiration created by Kathryn Asher; A certified Holistic practitioner that’s focus is on proper whole nutrition, NLP and a lot of aromatherapy and crystals! Let me be clear, the stigmas around ‘naturopathic’ and alternative practices are generally viewed in a very narrow minded sense. When people think of crystals, oils or meditation they think of hippies, witchcraft or other lala stereotypes that quite frankly scare people and put them off exploring these avenues that at the beginning and end of the day, are available to everyone and actually work!

I am a very modern, forward thinking person that is no different from the rest of the stereotypical ‘normal’ crew out there. My husband plays xbox and loves top gear, my daughters like the occasional pizza takeaway and I confess, I love high street shopping bargains, marathon gossip chats with my girlfriends and going out for overly expensive sushi! We’re totally, unapologetically  normal! Just like every service and piece of enlightenment found on this site!

Fortis Health is the most modern take on ancient, traditional, ayurvedic and alternative treatments teamed with new ideas and research. I work with a group of other certified practitioners that specialize in their own field enabling us to create a union of practitioners that’s mission is to help and encourage people to treat themselves in the most natural sense possible. Our treatments are aimed to aid in the process of self-development, self- discovery, nutritional excellence and a general positive outlook towards life whilst helping to treat specific medical conditions and relieve symptoms from such complications through a range of exciting options.

We offer a list of services that benefit in a very general sense though also can also be tailored to personal specifications depending on circumstances. For instance, you’re generally feeling run down and fancy a lymphatic drainage massage with some oils and pampering, no problem. A day at the spa never killed anybody 🙂 or, you’re a diabetic that is wanting to go onto a specific food plan and also explore the benefits of some NLP sessions to help keep you focused and strong on your path towards conquering your health demons. We even offer Corporate packages for team building days designed to build self and team union through stress management, NLP and life coaching sessions all while having the odd ‘how to better your health’ talk and a massage thrown in!

However we can help you, we can and we will! We do not diagnose or work on the back of doctors referrals. We simply offer complementary services that can only benefit your current circumstances and enhance your day to day life.

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