Work with me


Are you a freelance therapist, practitioner, researcher or student that is wanting to work with me to grow Fortis Health and help in my mission to get everyone in this beautiful Country and beyond  happy and healthy? I advertise services and events Nationwide and also internationally where we link in with a lot of people from the health community via twitter and instagram (we have a fantastic following and recognition that is helping to develop our Business further) therefore, I am always looking for people to join forces with!

We work with independent freelancers that are happy to bounce from appointment to appointment based on their specific area of practice and requests from our Clients so if you would like to join our team, please get in touch!

We also work with a lot of practitioners that specialize in NLP, CBT and other areas of behavioral and self progressive therapy via skype, local one to one consults and seminar events Nationwide and occasionally at an international level and we always have a backlog of Clients wishing for local or if otherwise, skype session consults so if you are a practitioner that would like to tap into our client list and book onto our schedule, please get in touch!

We also work with a lot of events and seminars so team up with other like-minded professionals to stay in the loop and network Nationwide. If you are a wellness event coordinator, seminar speaker or practitioner that would like to get involved with us in our scheduled events and seminars, please get in touch! Our network is  a very friendly happy family of health loving people that can never be too big!



If you are a producer of a natural/organic/ethical skin care range or beauty product that you would like us to stock in our shop, please feel free to send us samples so that our team can test and determine if we can list them in our ‘exclusive’ natural section.  We would need full ingredient info, batch dates and use by info on any product we stock. We would be happy to add as many independent retailers as we can so please get in touch if you would like to work with us!

PLEASE NOTE: Anyone working in Fortis Health needs to be a certified practitioner and have their own insurance cover in place. Students, please get cover from your study center before we can help you out!


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