Skin care



If anyone told me a few years ago that applying oil on to skin was a good idea, I would never have believed them! Surely it would cause breakouts and I imagined it would make skin super greasy and oily. I have had problem skin all my life. Being so fair and prone to redness and breakouts, I have literally tried and tested everything out there (within affordable reach) and over the years have relied on Clinique for their 3 step skin care, sanctuary for their pamper products and good old cocoa butter for after a bath but now I’m in my 30’s with kids in tow, I have really invested time and effort into skincare research and aware of the dangers of chemicals, alcohols and additives that are in every major brand, I wanted to search for something kinder, ethical, natural and still obviously effective on ageing, skin tone and anti blemish.

I am a lover of aromatherapy in all its glory and over the last 2-3 years have paid a lot of attention to oils and their benefits on the skin. In particular I am very fair and last year had a suspicious mole removed which put me into panic mode and made me question what I should do to prevent any possible skin illnesses (which are becoming frequently more common due to excessive chemical use and environmental pollution) so armed with all this info and my new found knowledge on oil benefits for facial care, I decided to try create my own brands of face oils and give them a go.

When I 1st started using oils on my face, I should mention I was in my 2nd trimester of my 2nd pregnancy and after so many comments about my glowing skin and healthy tone, I put it down to hormones though was pleased with the results. I should also mention that during my 1st pregnancy, I suffered terribly with melasma and hyper pigmentation from years of living in the sun irresponsibly (again, I am super pale) so I was unbelievably shocked at the results of these oils after just 6 weeks of using them.  Due to the blend I had created that was designed to lighten skin tone, reduce lines and wrinkles and even out redness whilst protecting skin from sun damage (yep, thats a lot of aid in a bottle) I had managed to almost totally eliminate the signs of pigmentation I have had for 5 years on my forehead, I mean, they were gone. Hormones or not, my skin was looking great and these oils were certainly helping! My daughter was born in Feb 14 and as I write this she is 16 months old and still to this day I am going strong with these oils as they have completely transformed my skin! I use them morning and night and while I sometimes apply a cream on top during winter months (I use Burts Bee’s carrot day cream if at all) there is no need at all to go back to slathering my face in nasty chemicals that were doing damage to my skin!

I posted a photo on my personal facebook account a few months ago that is the photo I use for my Linkedin profile and the comments I received from people that have known me for years were shocking. One of my husbands friends that worked with us many years ago asked ‘Are you actually getting younger?’ I had bottled some up and sent it down to my best friend in London and after a few uses she called me and said ‘please bottle that and sell it!’ So, here I am – Doing just that!

Said photo…



I have found the perfect combination for skin oils that help the ageing process, anti-blemish, anti-redness and with SPF that are all natural, affordable and smell divine.  Please give them a go and I promise you will love them!

The oils contain a medium chain and super high quality liquid form of coconut oil (standard coconut oil actually gives me breakouts so this is the perfect solution and works as a great carrier oil) with a specific unique blend of high quality intense rosehip oil, African frankincense, Yorkshire lavender, hemp oil and a teeny touch of carrot oil as an SPF. The combination is measured in precise quantities and the oils come from elusive therapeutic grade suppliers and are kept in a dark room to cure for 2 days before they are turned. (Never shake oils) and ready for use.

While these oils work fantastically just as they are, it is recommended that you wash your face with either a natural mild soap (Dr. Bronners baby soap) or an aqueous cream so that there is no residue on your face after cleansing and the oils can be absorbed easier.

It is also recommended that after washing your face, you apply a facial mist toner (Our lavender toner is ideal) and apply the oils while your face is still damp as this helps the oils absorb into the skin and release their properties that maximize moisture and density.

As you apply the oils, pat them all over your face with your finger tips and then hold your palms over your face to release warmth that will help the oils sink in deeper.

As a super treat, why not try our intense once a week face mask :

This face mask is another super product has been created thanks to a couple of instagram buddies and their love of super indulgent celebrity treatments in the U.S where a couple of them had found the ingredients used to formulate and replicate various products that are well loved over that side of the pond and their feeds were going wild with insane reviews and comments about how great they were so knowing they were all natural, I decided to make it my mission to incorporate that into my skincare regime also. I love spa treatments though with 2 kids, time does not allow so if I can pamper at home with some worthy and elite products, why not!

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This mask is an incredible blend of Aztec bentonite healing clay, green tea, charcoal, manuka honey, and detoxifying and cleansing essential oils that aid the ingredients in purging impurities out of the skin while re-balancing and deeply cleansing. This clay and charcoal blend in particular, lightens the toxic load in our bodies and pulls impurities out leaving your face ultra clean, soft and blemish free. All of which works towards combating age signs so using this followed by our magic oils is heaven for your face!

If you’re looking for something that will really calm, soothe and target anti ageing, I urge you to give these a try! I would not have bottled them with such belief if I did not think they were worthy of the attention! I cannot stress enough how much they have transformed my skin so if you’re anything like me and are on the search for the holy grail of skin care, look no further!



Below is a price list of each of the products or you can buy all 3 for a super saver bargain of £30. These prices are until October 2014 and will be reviewed before Christmas so if you want to grab this promo offer, please complete the form below and I will send you out your order! This is just to order, Payments can be made to paypal, via bank transfer or in cash (easier for local clients)

Directions for use:

Apply facial toner liberally as and when desired.

Clay mask should be applied in a thin but sufficient layer. If you apply too thick, it will not dry properly. A thin layer will have maximum benefits as it will dry and pull out impurities. Leave on for between 20-30 mins.

End pamper sesh with magic face oils for a soft, dewy and silky finish.

Price List:

Lavender facial toner: 100ml £5.99

Aztec alchemy healing clay mask – £12.99

Aztec alchemy anti-ageing face oil – £16.99

OR YOU COULD BUY ALL 3 FOR A ONE OFF PROMO PRICE OF £30 (saving you £5.97) -Offer available until 1st October 2014.

Please specify your requests below and make payment via paypal: OPEN PAYPAL

Please search for email and you can transfer funds straight to me. Paypal user name is Kathryn Asher. You can contact me direct on 07450 920688 or 01943 969806

All orders are surplus to postage and packaging at an additional fee of £4.99 UK Mainland and shipping will be between 5-7 days from date of purchase.


I accept a 10 day money back guarantee providing the products have not been opened or used and are returned in their origional state.
I do not accept responsibility for any adverse reactions or complications that arise from the use of these products. All ingredients are 100% natural and adverse effects are not likely at all though should you have any reaction whatsoever simply discontinue use.
The essential oils in any of these products are the mildest forms and suitable for use on children though it is not advisable to use these products on children as they are for adult use only.
The products are free from additives or preservatives so you should use them within 12 months of purchase.
As ingredients are natural each batch may vary



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