Spring 2012: The visual collection! Get inspired!
BITS AND BOBS / FEEL GOOD! / Fitness / Food ,drink and RECIPES! / FOR THE HOME! x / Healthy

Spring 2012: The visual collection! Get inspired!

Hi everyone, So, I’ve had a few emails and comments now from you lovely readers that have said, ‘posts are great reads but…I’m more of a visual person so any chance of some video uploads of image sections’…and with that in mind…For those of you that would like to see a FEAST of fresh, colourful … Continue reading


Your instructor -London based pilates..don’t be lazy!

Your instructor. Check out this girl! Getting her butt to YOUR office so you don’t have to miss out on gym time after hours! Julia Scodie http://www.exerciseinthecity.com Just a quickie post as I just checked her out on twitter and quite impressed! FOLLOW HER @ http://www.twitter.com/EITCLondon and book your session now! julia@exerciseinthecity.com We love to … Continue reading