Spring 2012: The visual collection! Get inspired!
BITS AND BOBS / FEEL GOOD! / Fitness / Food ,drink and RECIPES! / FOR THE HOME! x / Healthy

Spring 2012: The visual collection! Get inspired!

Hi everyone, So, I’ve had a few emails and comments now from you lovely readers that have said, ‘posts are great reads but…I’m more of a visual person so any chance of some video uploads of image sections’…and with that in mind…For those of you that would like to see a FEAST of fresh, colourful … Continue reading

Mothering Sunday 2012 – Treat your mum to a Spa pamper day at our favourite Spa destinations!

Mothering Sunday 2012 – Treat your mum to a Spa pamper day at our favourite Spa destinations!

So, Mothering Sunday is shortly upon us! Before you know it, you’ll be frantically looking for something incredible to treat your mum with this year so we thought, why not do the hard work for you and throw some suggestions your way! Here, we have found a selection of the Nation’s best Spa venue’s boasting … Continue reading

BITS AND BOBS / Food ,drink and RECIPES! / Healthy

Trytophan – Foods to treat depression and insomnia

I’m starting to wonder if what we eat at Christmas time is natures way of helping us get through the winter months and festive period without thoughts of dread and dispair as the foods present at Christmas time are selections of the foods best available to help us treat depression and insomnia…and lets be very … Continue reading


Aromatherapy – the beauty of simplicity! check it out!

AROMATHERAPY Aromatherapy is a great, natural compliment or alternative to other health treatment options such as certain prescribed medications. But don’t throw away those prescription bottles just yet. Aromatherapy doesn’t “cure” major illnesses but it is effective at alleviating many of the discomforts associated with them. Essential oils are the heart of aromatherapy. They have … Continue reading


Flossie may – The cutest kids stuff courtesy of my lovely friend Claire – Portabello

  FLOSSIE MAY My oldest friend in the world has just launched her own Company retailing the most beautiful childrens clothes, toys and accessories. Claire Louise Whitaker, located in London’s Clapham area has just hosted her first very successful venture at Portabello market and while her website is still under construction, she can be contacted … Continue reading

BITS AND BOBS / Food ,drink and RECIPES!

How to get your kids to eat more fruit and veg – the healthy way!

Wow, I’ve been putting together some survey based research from mum’s…some I know and others not, though I am honestly SHOCKED at the way food is prepared for kids..and after the very publicised Jamie Oliver campaigns, Annabel Karmel and other huge media outlets that encourage healthy eating, its still not sinking into people’s minds and … Continue reading