Food ,drink and RECIPES! / Healthy

KALE – The powerhouse vegetable that we can bring into autumn in many a versatile way!

K ale is included again and again on lists of super foods, and for good reason: It’s a nutritional powerhouse, packed with vitamin C, vitamin E (an antioxidant), calcium, and even a few cancer-fighting compounds. In a happy twist of fate, it also happens to be one of our favorite winter treats. Oh, the possibilities… … Continue reading

Food ,drink and RECIPES! / Healthy

Foods and herbs rich in flavanoids – cancer diet cont…

List of Foods With Flavonoids What can high-flavonoid foods do for you? Help protect blood vessels from rupture or leakage Enhance the power of your vitamin C Protect cells from oxygen damage Prevent excessive inflammation throughout your body What events can indicate a need for more high-flavonoid foods? Easy bruising Frequent nose bleeds Excessive swelling … Continue reading

Food ,drink and RECIPES! / Healthy

Breast cancer survival and recovery diet

Good health requires good nutrition. When a person suffers from cancer, diet becomes crucial. Disease increases the amount of nutrients the body needs to function properly. In the case of cancer, the treatment also depletes vital stores of nutrients. Proper nutrition through diet will strengthen the immune system and counteract side effects that the treatment … Continue reading

Food ,drink and RECIPES! / Healthy

Flaxseed to lose weight..and a ton of other benefits at just a sprinkle!

Just a sprinkle of flaxseed, a nutty-tasting nutritional powerhouse, can make a huge impact on your life! Why’s Flax So Fab? Omega 3 Fatty Acids: Flax is known as the richest source of essentials fatty acids such as Omega 6 and Omega 3 which are essential to cell membrane formation, active brain tissues and in … Continue reading

BITS AND BOBS / Food ,drink and RECIPES!

How to get your kids to eat more fruit and veg – the healthy way!

Wow, I’ve been putting together some survey based research from mum’s…some I know and others not, though I am honestly SHOCKED at the way food is prepared for kids..and after the very publicised Jamie Oliver campaigns, Annabel Karmel and other huge media outlets that encourage healthy eating, its still not sinking into people’s minds and … Continue reading