Go green for a day – Spinach and walnut pesto + PUKKA clean greens organic bio nutrients!
FEEL GOOD! / Food ,drink and RECIPES! / Healthy

Go green for a day – Spinach and walnut pesto + PUKKA clean greens organic bio nutrients!

___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Today, (Sunday) is not a good day for me to be doing this as we had planned to make multiple batches of carrot cupcakes and flapjacks..(Ssssssshh!) But my mum came round the other day with a Pukka clean green detox pack for me as she know’s I would very well appreciate it so, I … Continue reading

FOR THE HOME! x / Healthy

Want to live in an eco-friendly home? Turn your household into a greener one today!

Want  to know how you can become more eco-friendly in your home? Decrease your waste volume? Reduce your carbon footprint?   Nowadays we are more environmentally aware and many households are looking at ways in which they can reduce their carbon footprint and become greener. If you are one of these people, here are ten … Continue reading

Food ,drink and RECIPES!

On the menu today! Tostadas de frijoles! Easy to make, vegetarian and seriously tasty!

These were my all time favourite things when I was living in Spain. Barcelona’s Gracia district hosted the City’s BEST by far Mexican restaurant that even my Mexican friends say is the most resemblant of authentic Mexican food cooking in the City..so, being taught well and having high standards when it comes to Mexican cuisine … Continue reading

Food ,drink and RECIPES! / Healthy

Start the day with hot lemon – the reasons why its really so good for you!

Yes, there are enormous benefits of lemon juice and water in your everyday life. You simply need to arm yourself with relevant knowledge and you would soon start valuing this amalgamation more than ever. Lemon is an inexpensive, easily available citrus fruit, popular for its culinary and medicinal uses. It is used to prepare a … Continue reading

BITS AND BOBS / Food ,drink and RECIPES! / Healthy

Trytophan – Foods to treat depression and insomnia

I’m starting to wonder if what we eat at Christmas time is natures way of helping us get through the winter months and festive period without thoughts of dread and dispair as the foods present at Christmas time are selections of the foods best available to help us treat depression and insomnia…and lets be very … Continue reading


Lung and breast cancer screening through trained canine sniffer dogs – Brilliant!

THIS IS INCREDIBLE – REFERRED TO LUNG CANCER THOUGH SCREENING IS ALSO NOW BEING HELD FOR BREAST CANCER PATIENTS WITH POSITIVE RESULTS! AMAZING! The researchers used trained sniffer dogs – two German shepherds, an Australian shepherd and a Labrador, to detect lung cancer by using their sharp sense of smell. It has been understood that … Continue reading


Skin problems explained

SKIN PROBLEMS EXPLAINED!  Somebody recently expressed their concerns to me regarding spots that they have been experiencing under their jaw on both sides for some time and they cannot get rid of them. They panicked as they were closely located to some moles (which on a seperate topic needed their own evaluation) though I was … Continue reading