Food ,drink and RECIPES! / Healthy

Bone broth – The amazing benefits of marrow ~ you’d be surprised!


It is now MAY…18th of May 2015 and I am tucked up writing this post in layers of blankets with cold feet, sniffy nose and possibly a bit of runniness happening there…Where is this bloody summer we’ve survived a whole winter for? It’s just cruel! 

My almost 6 year old asked me this morning why its so cold still given that global warming is meant to be heating the planet up. Good question, I told her although I suppose generally speaking, its warmer by degrees that it used to be, but I remember spring and summer UK style to be full of fresh air and floral scented skies. This is not the case any more. Second disaster summer in a row and no holiday booked for us this year so I’m feeling a tat grotty. 😦

My daughter started school in September this year and since she began, my household has been fighting of cold and stomach bug after cold and stomach bug and feeling run down isn’t something I am generally used to though the last few months have been a struggle for us all so in true Kathryn style, I have concocted seasonal batches of thieves oil to kill all our airborne germs, invested in a ton of fruit and veg (nothing new there) and dry brushed by bum off to stimulate circulation and flush out toxins.  Nothing short of trying everything to keep us all as healthy as possible and fight through these bugs in this eternal winter we’re having I am now crazed about prepping batches of bone broth. You should see my freezer! I’ve made so much of the stuff I’ve started storing it breastmilk storage bags as they are perfect portions for each meal…( Note to self – don’t forget to label.. .that could be awkward :)) 

broth freezer

Yes, this stock/gravy/soup/drink is the be all and end all of health infused deliciousness that can be added into a million meals and the benefits of it are just insane! Ever wondered why French women are so glowy and thin? Well they love their marrow broth and include it in all of their traditional cuisine and so should you!


An old south american proverb says -‘A good broth will resurrect the dead’ 

As the featured article states, there are many reasons for incorporating good-old-fashioned bone broth into your diet. The following health benefits attest to its status as “good medicine.”

Helps heal and seal your gut, and promotes healthy digestion: The gelatin found in bone broth is a hydrophilic colloid. It attracts and holds liquids, including digestive juices, thereby supporting proper digestion. This is great for your gut health Inhibits infection caused by cold and flu viruses, etc.: A study published over a decade ago found that chicken soup indeed has medicinal qualities, significantly mitigating infection
Reduces joint pain and inflammation, courtesy of chondroitin sulphates, glucosamine, and other compounds extracted from the boiled down cartilage Fights inflammation: Amino acids such as glycine, proline, and arginine all have anti-inflammatory effects. Arginine, for example, has been found to be particularly beneficial for the treatment of sepsis (whole-body inflammation).Glycine also has calming effects, which may help you sleep better
Promotes strong, healthy bones: As mentioned above, bone broth contains high amounts of As the featured article states, there are many reasons for incorporating good-old-fashioned bone broth into your diet. The following health benefits attest to its status as “good medicine.”Helps heal and seal your gut, and promotes healthy digestion: The gelatin found in bone broth is a hydrophilic colloid. It attracts and holds liquids, including digestive juices, thereby supporting proper digestion Inhibits infection caused by cold and flu viruses, etc.: A study4 published over a decade ago found that chicken soup indeed has medicinal qualities, significantly mitigating infection
Reduces joint pain and inflammation, courtesy of chondroitin sulphates, glucosamine, and other compounds extracted from the boiled down cartilage Fights inflammation: Amino acids such as glycine, proline, and arginine all have anti-inflammatory effects. Arginine, for example, has been found to be particularly beneficial for the treatment of sepsis5 (whole-body inflammation).

Glycine also has calming effects, which may help you sleep better
Promotes strong, healthy bones: As mentioned above, bone broth contains high amounts of calcium, magnesium, and other nutrients that play an important role in healthy bone formation Promotes healthy hair and nail growth, thanks to the gelatin in the broth

 and other nutrients that play an important role in healthy bone formation

Promotes healthy hair and nail growth, thanks to the gelatin in the broth

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Sound good? So, the basics: If you’re anything like me, you’ll be roasting a chicken on a Sunday or if you’re having beef or pork instead you’ll be doing one through the week because from that one little bird you could have leftovers for many weekly meals or snacks you won’t need to prep much for the days following…(just a tip) – so all the bones from the chicken carcass, legs, wings, the works all get thrown in your slow cooker with any leftover veg pieces, garlic, herbs, lemon, salt and pepper and a little apple cider vinegar just to release the nutrients from the bones, cover with filtered water and you cook it down for a good 6-9 hours. This is for the chicken (Probably the most versatile stock). Once cooked, strain out into a pot and either keep in the fridge for up to a week or freeze for the month coming. Voila! Easy!

Ah but my favorite – the beef marrow bones. You can find these from any decent butcher that sells grassfed meat. Beef marrow bones are fabulous to slow stew. Ideally you want to roast them first to get a great flavor and it also makes it easier for the meat and nutrients to release then the same method applies. Cover in filtered water with any veg, herbs, seasoning you’re adding and a couple of caps of ACV and slow cook but this time for 12-24 hours. The longer the better for a really meaty flavor and a more nutrient dense stock. 

So, once this stock is done, what can be done with it? What has been the point? Well, you can use it for stock bases in all your meals such as

  • Chicken stock for paella dishes (just add turmeric and smoked paprika for an authentic flavor)
  • Beef stock for cottage pie, beef stews and chili con carne
  • Chicken stock for poluet a l’Ancienne
  • Beef stock for bangers and mash 

OR, you could opt for a cup of broth every day on its own or with some boiled rice to really reap the benefits! Just season and add a little olive oil and you’re good to go!

So, there you are! So many reasons why you should be making your own broth and enjoying it in every meal to keep your family healthy and strong!

This is my last batch – Beef marrow bones roasted and stewed for 20 hours with lots of sage, thyme, garlic, onions, carrots, cabbage, celery, sweet potato, turnip, acv, turmeric, bay leaves and sea salt and pepper and filtered water. 

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Hope you have fun making yours! It’s a truly gratifying thing to do and makes you feel like you’re really making a difference for your family. 

Thanks for reading and all the love x

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