What’s for breakfast? Yummy protein and oat shakes that are so full of goodness that’s what!

banana oat smoothie


I have previously posted about what on earth to do with oats in summer time. It doesn’t seem right eating a hot steaming bowl of porridge when it is just too warm so on this blog there are some great ideas on how to make cold porridge bowls with natural yogurt and fruit.  While they were great and I am still a fan of those methods, I have discovered a new way of incorporating oats that have gone down somewhat fabulously in our household.

Everyone in my house has their own reusable tumbler with straw insert so that we can carry around our drinks and they are great for smoothies as the straws are really thick. You can pick these up from ebay and amazon for £4 odd and they really are super. (Don’t count on the straws lasting long with kids. They like to bite them to bits) So, as far as smoothies go, why not throw your oats in for a mega fulling, rich breakfast smoothie that you can funk up with nuts, seeds and all kinds…..

The one that has become the household favorite is this:


If you are wanting to do this on a regular basis, I would advise pre-chopping your nuts so you can contain them in a large kilner jar. I buy one big pack of walnuts and almonds a week and process them together and store so that I can just spoon the ready made mix in. It also makes it less chunky to be prepared.

So, per individual smoothie:

  • Chop x1 large banana

  • A handful of steel cut oats

  • 2 tbsp of nut mix

  • A spoonful of linseeds

  • A teaspoon of cinnamon

  • A tbsp of raw cacao

  • A tbsp of coconut oil

  • a glass full of cold almond milk

BLEND…….and enjoy! So chocolatey and delish with so much goodness!

banana smoothie 1GIVE IT A TRY! Hope you enjoy xxx



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