BITS AND BOBS / FEEL GOOD! / Fitness / Healthy

The great outdoors! It’s SO good for you..

Wherever you may be reading this, chances are you’re having a better summer than those of us tucked up in rainy England..but rain or shine, my family love their outdoor day trips and walks. Yesterday I finished work convinced that the terrential downpour that greeted me on my way home would continue well into today (my one and only day where me, the hubs and little bear are free to go off together for some fun) but my first thoughts this morning were ‘I don’t care..we’re still going and fun we shall have’… 94% humidity, grey clouds and rain we did meet but the 5 hours we spend walking miles and breathing in some of the County’s most incredible fresh air and scents of nature have left us feeling insanely grand!

As long as you go prepared, the forecast should never be a problem. Picnic packed, camera x2 packed and extra jackets and umberellas and we were set for a day of nature trail fun! For those of you that can get to where we ventured, it is such a worth while trip! YORKSHIRE SCULPTURE PARK is home to the world famous and incredibly wonderful Henry Moore sculptures and includes miles of scenic nature woodland trails, lakes and sensational art.Miles and miles we walked, explored, climbed even fell (muddy slippy paths..RAIN..) But how much fun we had! and studies show that the great outdoors doesn’t simply provide you with some quick fix exercise and a few fond memories, it has actual health benefits that can prevent and cure a whole heap of things….So, please continue reading and find out why a day trip to the country side is more beneficial for you than you may think…

Just one thing: Those of you that dread the thought of it but know you’ll have a good time when you get there, you’ve already programmed yourself to get there and do it, so knowing you’ll have the fun means there is no point in challenging yourself against the idea. Just bear in mind the many reasons as to why you’ll feel so much beter once you’ve gone and done it. Those of you that simply dread it because you don’t think it will be fun. Challenge yourself to make it fun. Taking yourself out of your comfort zone is one of the best ways to make yourself feel you have achieved something self worthyand that in itself is fun…and in this way, healthy!

6km walk MOSTLY spent on I don’t need to go to gym today..extra workout!

And there are beneifts of tree hugging too..FYI! hehe

Making friends with the locals x

Shoulders about to break!

The tiny person = the reason she was piggybacked the rest of the way. Kids love the great outdoors!Run run run x

Mummy, Tahlia and foxgloves x

Getting upclose and personal with some Henry Moore x

For those of you interested in seeing the sculptures that we visited at the park, please see the slideshow at the end of this post!


The countryside is not just a pretty place. Studies show it can cut recovery times from illnesses, fight against cancer and boost your mood.

We bring you an installment in our guide to the health benefits of the countryside.

  • Country views reduce time in hospital

Professor Roger Ulrich, a leading expert in the benefits of natural green space, says the countryside and open areas can boost your recovery after surgery or a major illness.

He studied a group of US patients who were recovering from gall-bladder surgery. The patients were divided into two groups with half put into rooms with a view of trees and half with a view of buildings.

The study found that patients with a natural view needed less pain relieving medication, were more cooperative – making them better patients – and went home two to three days sooner than the group given buildings to look at.

Mark Dixon from the NUFU says this shows trees have a financial as well as health benefit for hospitals.

‘The trees make staff feel less stressed, improve their quality of life at work and help make them more effective. This helps hospitals save money as the staff are more efficient and the patients do not need so much medication,’ he says.

  • Natural surroundings reduce stress and tension

Professor Ulrich has also studied the effects of greenspace on reducing our stress levels.

He conducted an experiment at the University of Texas, where volunteers were sent on a very stressful virtual car journey. After the journey, half the volunteers were taken to a park surrounded by trees.

In three minutes their heart rate, blood pressure and the muscle tension in their forehead had fallen dramatically compared to the other half of the group who were kept indoors.

Stress seriously increases the risk of heart disease and costs the NHS over £100 million in medication every year. The NUFU believe that getting outside among trees can cut the amount spent on drugs and the number of working days lost every year through stress.

  • Country walks help prevent cancer

The main influence that the countryside has on fighting cancer is the way in which we use it. Getting out into a park or local green space normally means that we are using it to exercise and it is the exercise that can help us fight cancer.

Dr Alan Maryon Davis, director of public health for the London borough of Southwark, says, ‘You can reduce your risk of developing bowel cancer, if you are doing regular exercise.

The evidence is very strong. Just a couple of times a week has a measurable effect. It doesn’t have to be too strenuous either, just half an hour of some activity every day.’

Regular exercise can also cut your risk of breast cancer as this disease is linked to obesity. ‘If you are doing regular exercise, you are controlling your body weight. This means you are less likely to suffer from obesity, cutting your risk of developing breast cancer,’ says Dr Maryon Davis.

People who take regular exercise are also less likely to be smokers and non-smokers are less likely to suffer from lung cancer. But there is one cancer risk that increases when you exercise out in the country.

‘In the summer time open spaces are a great magnet for sunbathers,’ says Dr Maryon Davis. ‘Be careful you are not increasing your risk of skin cancer – make sure you are using sun screen if you are exercising outside in the sunshine.’

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