FEEL GOOD! / Food ,drink and RECIPES! / Healthy

Is what we eat really ok? And how much do we really know about what’s good for us? TEACH OUR CHILDREN THE TRUTH ABOUT FOOD!

It’s 2012! Most of what most of us eat is no longer ‘food’ but something that is a bi-product of food. It is glorified representation of what we consider our favourite foods, then added with harmful preservatives, colorants, E numbers, flavourings, fats, salts and a number of other seriously damaging additives that are the cause of concern towards our overall nutritional health, which lets face it, is the BIGGEST factor in our overall health! You get to an age where, if you are willing to sacrifice your own health for the sake of a fast food diet, that is each person’s personal choice but when it comes to children, they don’t have a choice. They are reliant on their parent’s to make that chocie for them. We are damaging the health of our children by agreeing to allow fast food to represent the norm and we are sacrificing their future knowledge and relationship with foods by not teaching and educating them properly when it comes to what the norm should really be.

Mr. Bloom’s nursery, Mr. Blooms nursery, an informative childrens program aiming to educate children and form relationships between them and vegetables has become a hit over the last year. So, if a child is being introduced to a variety of vegetables on the T.V let’s not stop there, BRING IT HOME so they don’t just associate vegetables with imaginary cartoon propaganda!

Here is a clip of the terrifying ignorance children have towards vegetables..and don’t laugh! It’s not their faults, it’s our’s for not educating them properly! This is pure evidence that children’s diet’s severely lack essential food types! Let’s make that change NOW!


BURGERS: We have gone from making our own out of fresh ingredients, adding tomatoes and salad to fresh bread to buying pre-packed pre-cooked burgers in buns as an easy option saving us time in preparation and what is considered a ‘fashionable’ quick fix for meals. Calorie counts inevitably rise with the pre-pack burger, you aren’t providing your body with anywhere near it’s quota of needed Vitamins and minerals and there isn’t any additional fresh salad included in the packed meal..Whereas 15 minutes to make it yourself could not only save you money (Yes really, even with the add on’s) but you’re saving your body on the HUGE salt quantities you would otherwise find in the packed burger boxes, you’ll be stocking up on vitamins and you’ll be keeping your calories down through proper preparation methods. This can be said for chicken burgers, turkey burgers and bean burgers and depending on the ingredients you chose, ALL can be picked up fresh (no deli) and prepared in a healthy way, thus constituting A HEALTHY MEAL FOR YOUR FAMILY!

PIZZA: Pizza hut shocked and stunned us all when video evidence came out displaying staff members preparing dough that was made quite literally by POURING rows of salt onto the mix. It has been documented then that take away pizza’s contain three times more salt that supermarket pizza’s and contains MORE than our entire daily salt allowance in one pizza alone. Ever tried making your own pizza? It’s actually really easy, fun and inexpensive! There are also a ton of gluten free, wheat free options for pizza bases in almost ALL supermarkets and even bases such as wholewheat tortilla wraps can act as a healthy alternative to pizza’s. Rememer, if you make your own, you control the added ingredients and salt content and you can go as crazy as you like with fresh tomato base and toppings such as spinach and veg to make it A HEALTHY MEAL FOR YOUR FAMILY!

The terrifying reality of food domination through these mass corporate chains, wiping away our relationship with healthy foods and forcing us to believe that what they provide is a dietary acceptance is not just their faults. It’s easy to blame the big guy who’s advertising campaigns weigh heavier that the small business owner who is sat around waving carrots in the hope we may all one day listen but, we all switch on the TV and there’s Jamie Oliver, desperately trying to get us to pay attention, there’s the Food Doctor, there’s the 5 a day Ad campaigns we’ve all heard a hunder times that’s now stamped on all major food brands we buy in the supermarket and then there’s common sense. We’ve all heard of vegetables. We might not all have good relationships with vegetables but, for the sake of our children, this needs to change!

It is true that we are what we eat. There are a million and one ways to get children to not only appreciate vegetables but to enjoy them in their meals and this doesn;t have to be costly or time consuming but, if an extra 15 minutes needs to be given in the preparation of our childrens meals, that comes at the cost of being a parent! So, let’s be good with what we chose to feed our children so that they can live healthier, happier, longer fulfilled lives! Get creative and get informed! Start to make the change TODAY!

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