
More on eco-living…in the form of wind farms! Sweden have the answer!

Sweden Announces Plans for Massive 700 Megawatt Wind Farm in The Baltic Sea

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While I was on the subject last night of how to green up your home and be more eco-friendly towards your own environment, I sat in bed last night researching more on my new favourite eco topic..(WIND TURBINES) and came accross a very cool article about Sweden and their ruling role in the subject of wind farms. Check it out! Impressive and a lead to follow I say!

Eon Nordic just announced plans to construct a massive 700 megawatt wind farm in the Baltic Sea that will take advantage of the region’s high localized winds. Once it is finished, the wind farm located in Södra Midsjöbanken, Sweden will be one of the largest offshore wind farms in the world. Currently the North Sea is a well-known site for offshore wind farms, but the Baltic Sea could possibly eclipse it – the new farm will boast 180-230 wind turbines and cost approximately $2.79 million.


Sweden wind farm, e.on nordic, sustainable design, green design, vattenfall Sweden wind farm, Baltic sea wind farm, eon wind farm, eon Nordic wind farm, offshore wind farm, ikea wind farm, renewable energy, green energy, alternative energy, sustainable power

Swedish journal Dagens Industri announced the wind farm this week, however Eon has not discussed any of the details, stating that “many parameters have yet to be clarified.” Sweden is rapidly becoming one of the world’s leading users of wind power. The country currently has 6 wind farms, and 5 of those are being operated by Vattenfall. However many of these wind farms are set closer to shore – and none of them are anywhere near the size of the planned 700 MW project. Currently the country’s biggest wind farm is Siemens’ 100MW project – and that is only four years old. Sweden’s current offshore wind farms produce 1 gigawatt of renewable energy.

Speaking to Clean Technica, Renewables International said: “By the end of last year, the company had collected data on wind velocity, direction, and wave heights at a measuring station financed partly by the Swedish government.” “At the same time, the firm has also already contracted an environmental impact assessment. At the end of 2011, the firm reportedly also filed for a permit with Swedish authorities.”

Kudos Sweden – that’s how to taken advantage of your natural assets. After all, it’s not like solar power would be the best renewable source of energy for your people.

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