FOR THE HOME! x / Healthy

Want to live in an eco-friendly home? Turn your household into a greener one today!

Want  to know how you can become more eco-friendly in your home? Decrease your waste volume? Reduce your carbon footprint?


Nowadays we are more environmentally aware and many households are looking at ways in which they can reduce their carbon footprint and become greener.

If you are one of these people, here are ten top tips to make your home greener and help the planet, teach you to start to recycle your waste and home contents and reduce the amount of waste your household produces:

Tip 1 – Reduce the use of paper and plastics

Households should look at ways to reduce the amount of paper and plastics used. Ways in which this can be achieved is by making relatively small changes such as buying reusable shopping bags and cancelling paper bills and opting for email/online bills instead.

Tip 2 – Use environmentally-friendly cleaning products

Many household cleaners contain ingredients which can harm the environment and it is recommended that to be greener that you swap to less harmful products instead. There are a number of green cleaning products on the market or you could make your own cleaning supplies from natural ingredients like vinegar or lemon.

Tip 3 – Use energy efficient lightbulbs

Lightbulbs can account for up to 10% of a households electricity use and therefore households should ensure that their lightbulbs are energy efficient.

Tip 4 – Purchase energy saving appliances

When an electrical appliances needs replacing in a home it is suggested that the appliance is replaced with an energy saving one. Energy saving appliances may cost more money but they are a worthwhile investment as they can save you money on your yearly electricity bill.

Tip 5 – Watch your water consumption

Households should consider how they use water within the home and look to change their usage behaviour as small changes can make a big difference. For example, households should consider turning taps off when they are brushing their teeth for instance and take shorter showers to save water. Households can also look to employ water saving devices such as low-flow toilets.

Tip 6 – Unplug and turn-off electrical appliances

Most homes will leave electrical appliances plugged in and to save energy and be greener it is recommended that these are turned off when not in use. This also means unplugging phone chargers etc. which many of us leave plugged in as this waste electricity as well. Also, turning off any lights in the home when they are not in use is important.

Tip 7 – Turn down temperature controls

Households should turn down their temperature thermostat by 1 degree as this could save them both energy and money, just by making this simple change.

Tip 8 – Review your fridge freezer settings

It is recommended that homes get a fridge and freezer thermometer as you can review settings to ensure you are getting the most energy efficiency from the appliance.

Tip 9 – Make your garden greener

Gardens should make use of natural fertilizers and not use chemical ones which are bad for the environment.

Tip 10 – Look to use renewable energy sources

If a household is looking to implement a drastic change to become more environmentally friendly then it should consider switching to a renewable energy such as solar or wind. Even though this is a big initial outlay the money saved in the long-term is worthwhile and the energy is eco-friendly.

The following tips highlight that it doesn’t take much effort to become more environmentally-friendly and that small changes can make a huge difference in becoming greener and improving your homes carbon footprint.



    Make space next to your bin for a recycling container – then it’s as simple to recycle as it is to throw it away

  2. Make life easy

    If your local council offers a kerbside recycling scheme, take advantage and use it. To find your nearest recycling centre or more information about your kerbside collection scheme, use the postcode locator or contact your council.

  3. Routine recycling

    Make a visit to a bottle, can or other type of recycling bank part of your routine – most supermarkets have recycling facilities so don’t forget to drop before you shop!

  4. Remember those glass jars

    From jam, marmalade and baby food jars to spice, pasta sauce and coffee jars – just give them a rinse in your left over dish washing water and recycle them with your other glass.  Don’t worry about removing labels, they will come off in the recycling process.

  5. Check the bathroom

    Lots of items from the bathroom can be recycled too.  Shampoo and shower gel bottles are often forgotten, so start multi-tasking and rinse out those empty bottles whilst you’re in the shower!  Putting a recycling bin in your bathroom to collect all those empty bottles and cardboard tubes from inside the toilet rolls is a great idea.


Top tips for reducing your waste

  1. Unwanted mail

    To reduce the amount of unwanted mail through your letterbox there are several things you can do:-

  2. Re-paint

    Donate left-over paint to your local charity. To find your nearest scheme visit

  3. “Your rubbish is another person’s treasure!”

    Contact your local Furniture Re-use Network – they distribute unwanted furniture and household goods to those in need. Or advertise your old furniture in your local paper or on websites like

  4. Avoid food waste

    Every year in the UK we throw away £12 billion worth of good food, costing the average family £50 a month.

    To find out useful tips on the storage of food, tantalising recipes and advice on portioning, visit

2 thoughts on “Want to live in an eco-friendly home? Turn your household into a greener one today!

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