Insomnia, relaxation, de-stress – Relaxation music to get you to sleep!

Its Saturday, the day I get to catch up on whats’s been going on all week. I’ve had a week of worry warts, fear driven people and insomniacs that need to find a solution to help them unwind, relax and get to sleep etc…I started doing this test a while ago when people first started mentioning their sleep deprivation issues as I was also one of them (but inflicted by baby sleep times), and while most were caused primarily by stress and anxiety and too much activity being placed on their minds they couldn’t find a way to break it down so that come bedtime, they could actually get to sleep let alone, stay asleep….so, after homeopathic remedies, bedtime routines (dead set bedtimes, feng shui’d bedrooms, lavender baths, aromatheraphy, warm milk…you name it), a few of my patients tried out the ‘And so to sleep’ relaxation C.D from and the results we’re really positive. 3 out of the 4 that sampled from the start, all under going the same additional tasks to help their sleep routine found that the C.D, because it became part of their routine was an instant point of focus and helped them to deeply relax and clear their minds from the day and any worries. Only one said that he couldn’t focus but that is mainly to do with the fact that any background music or sound awakes his senses and therefore starts the cycle of ‘thinking’ . He requires complete and utter silence..We’re all different, but for those of you that want to give it a go, their hypnotic, dreamy sounds do wonders! I sampled them on my 2 year old that has been a nightmare sleeper despite all, any and every damn technique we have tried and she loves them! (More on child sleep routines later ..We cracked it after a long haul)

You can get demo’s online and there are an aray of different C’.D’s for sleep, relaxation, inspiration, pregnancy, seduction….the lot! and tips for relaxation on their website…one tip from me though that I find useful if I’m wound up, is if you do purchase these discs, also have a look out for a home yoga disc as stretches before bed is a really great way to start the sleep process. In fact, maybe later I will upload my sleep routine check list that I give my Clients, but just wanted to introduce you all to

Hope you like it!

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