
Acupuncture relief for endometriosis

Acupuncture relief for endometriosis

This has been one of my referrals of the week for someone that is struggling to control her endometriosis. Having been diagnosed with having an endo the size of a grapefruit, she is really struggling to get her menstrual cycle in track so that her chances of conception can be increased. If you or someone you know also suffers with endometriosis, please read this as it really is one of the top forms of relief and control for someone having to deal with such a condition. In controversy, wether accupuncture can be seen as a form of fertility treatment, no one is certain though there have been sucess stories but for those of you wishing to research it more, below is also a good link that indicates the possibilities though please do note, not confirmed it is not 100% accredited by any Medical association.


Research* has show that acupuncture can be beneficial to women with endometriosis by reducing pain and regulating the menstrual cycle.

Endometriosis is a condition in which small pieces of the womb lining, known as the endometrium, are found growing outside the womb in places such as the fallopian tubes, ovaries, bladder and bowel. It is surprisingly common, affecting one in seven women of child bearing age.

Common symptoms include painful and irregular period cycles, pain during sex, abdominal bloating, depression and a lack of energy. In some cases, endometriosis can also lead to fertility problems – in fact many sufferers don’t realise they have the condition until they have difficulty conceiving.

Many women with endometriosis have found that a course of treatment with a BAcC registered acupuncturist can greatly relieve symptoms and, in some cases, improve fertility.  In addition to relieving pain, acupuncture can help balance the monthly hormonal cycle which may help regulate periods.

Charlotte Steed, acupuncturist at the London Acupuncture Space and British Acupuncture Council member explains: “I treat many women with endometriosis, some are seeking pain management, others are trying to conceive.

“The endometrial tissue responds to hormonal changes, and may bleed during the menstrual period. Trapped blood can lead to inflammation, and the formation of adhesions and scar tissue or cysts. Using acupuncture points on the lower abdomen can move trapped blood; acupuncture can also act as an analgesic by elevating levels of endorphins in the blood.

“For women with endometriosis, making some simple lifestyle changes in combination with acupunctrue can also be very helpful in managing the condition. These may include increasing physical activity, getting adequate rest, managing stress and healthy eating.”

Acupuncture is a tried and tested system of traditional medicine, which has been used in China and other eastern cultures for thousands of years to restore, promote and maintain good health. Its benefits are now widely acknowledged all over the world and in the past decade traditional acupuncture has begun to feature more prominently in  the UK, working well in conjunction with western medicine.

Endometriosis awareness week runs from 8th-14th March 2010. To find a practitioner in your area call the British Acupuncture Council on 020 8735 0400 or visit


Endometriosis SHE Trust (UK) works towards a future position where women’s lives and relationships are no longer adversely affected by endometriosis.   BAcC are working with the Endometriosis SHE Trust to help support women with endometriosis.



The Acupuncture for Fertility Network (AFN) website. (

The AFN is a professional special interest group for acupuncturists dedicated to supporting those with fertility issues.

If you are thinking about seeking treatment for either natural or assisted conception then please, visit our membership list, to find a practitioner in your area.

What is the AFN?

Membership* to the AFN indicates a special interest in the use of traditional acupuncture in the treatment of fertility. AFN practitioners have done a minimum of 14 hours integrated training in gynaecology, with a specific emphasis on training to support assisted protocols.

AFN membership denotes a commitment to ongoing post graduate study in the areas of gynaecology and fertility, working to maintain an updated understanding of current treatment practices.

Acupuncture treatment can be beneficial for:

• “unexplained infertility”
• pre-conception care
• assisted conception support
• low sperm parameters: count, motility, morphology
• endometriosis
• ovulation issues
• menstrual cycle irregularities
• recurrent miscarriage

Any practitioner members of the bodies listed below are well qualified to treat in support of fertility issues. AFN members are practitioners who have chosen to also undertake study specific to assisted conception and had integrated training. membership list

* Members are all post graduate, and have qualified after a minimum 3-year course of study, and are practitioner members of:

• BAcC, British Acupuncture Council
• BMAS, British medical Acupuncture Society
• ATCM, Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine.
or an equivalent recognised body:
• Dip.Ac.UK, Cert Nanjing, BSc Hons TCM, BM Beijing TCM

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