The best summer shoes you could ever hope to find!


There’s not nescesarrily any glamour here, but these are shoes that anyone can wear and look like they are loving summer in the most carefree, uniquely stylish way! They are the stunningly simplistic ‘AVARCA’ shoes that hail from Menorca in the Baleares. Having practically grown up on the island of Mallorca, where not only the islanders but all of Spain have jumped on the craze of these super cool shoes, my collection has been growing every year and once you start wearing them and realize how awesome and comfortable they are, you won’t wear anything else (apart from some killer heals in the evening!). Made from tractor tire, and from pig or cow hide and traditonally had fur on the outside..totally rustic, but nowadays you can get them in an aray of colours and even with heels!

They are the perfect beach shoe, but also easily worn with casual linen suits, jeans and name it! and they will last an eternity. Wether they get scuffed or not, a collection of these is essential if you are a true beach lovin island hopper. Viva Espana, in particularly las Islas Baleares! ………And as my first holiday of the year is at the end of this month, in Mallorca no less, I shall be getting a paif for my 18 month old daughther to trot around in, campesina style!


JUST A QUICK UPDATE: Since posting this back in April, my family and I have since been to Mallorca and bought ourselves a pair or few of these incredible shoes…and for my daughter Tahlia they had the most amazing variations, not cheap but totally worth it! She adores them! Check out the selections they have! Beautiful! x

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